Minutes from the Annual Meeting from the Plone Conference

Meeting called to order at 19:52 UTC

Everyone from the board is here. We also have Jen, our treasurer here!

There are many committees also involved.

  • Membership committee that handles the new members. People will be asked to join the committee.

We want to thank our ambassadors. Two are here:

  • David Bain
  • Manabu Tereda

We also get to give away money to help fund sprints all over different countries (see the report for list). Some that were missed in the report:

  • IndyPy
  • Also PLOG and the Zope resurrection sprint

We had a new plone.org site. Some things are still missing, but still in the works. Victor was the driving force behind it.

Our own Cris Ewing gave a Plone keynote at PyCon in Portland, OR

Other events

  • EuroPython in Bilboa
  • PyCon Philippines - Dylan gave a keynote
  • PiterPy - Cris gave a keynote
  • Kiwi PyCon
  • PyCon UK
  • Python Jamaica coming up next month
  • CMS Garden - Maik Derstappen is our representative (shared marketing initiative among OS companies)

Google Summer of Code started with four students, led by Matthew Wilkes, who is going to the mentor summit. 3 projects were completed, and Prakhar is here at the conference. We did offer this to the other two students, but they were unable to make it.


  • Relicensed Ansible installer kit under modified BSD
  • Complicated dual-licensing issue with parts of Zope and getting them into our own domain.
    They are ZPL and GPL. (on collective.indexing)

Trademark watch service was renewed to watch the TM.

Maik Derstappen, Patrick Gerken, and Gil Forcada are new Foundation members this year.

We gained many new sponsors this year. Thank you to all of the sponsors!

Also thanks to the individual sponsors.

Also one University sponsor Universite de Namur

Financial Report

We made slightly more money than last year, within $3000. Spent a bit more, but also got more in through sponsorship, so we are still at about the same level as last year.

Steve McMahon moved to accept the annual report, Matthew Wilkes seconded:
Unanimously approved.

Board Nomination & Voting

There are seven nominations for the board, and all are the same as the previous board. There will be no election, and everyone will stay on the board through acclamation.

Steve McMahon moved to confirm the new board. Laurence Rowe seconded:
Unanimously approved.

It has been a pleasure and honor to work for the foundation and see so many things happening.

The board has received a proposal for the conference next year. The board has done their due diligence, and the location will be announced later with the closing remarks.

Steve McMahon moved that we adjourn the annual meeting. Calvin Hendryx-Parker seconded:

Meeting ended at 20:02 UTC