Member security risk?

Slightly unrelated, but it looks to me like full name and a few other member properties are 'hardcoded'.
In other words, if you remove location and home_page , things will break.

For my current use case, I would like to not use full name (I want first name and last name instead). Only hack I could find was to hide it with css .

firstname and lastname are user fields as well, fullname is typically calculated IIRC.

But you would typically customize the view, instead of customizing the data structure and using a generated view. Once you have control over the view, you can decide how you want to your data structures to be.

I have control over the views (soon), but it still does not feel right to store fields that are not needed (location and home_page are almost never used for my sites)

Indeed it is unfortunate that we have this set of fields. Its grown historical and we should consider to refactor this part If there are views breaking because of those fields, this is a bug and need to be fixed.

thanks a lot. I make these changes

Hi @espenmn - could you file this bug please?