KeyError: 'plone.staticresources.upgrades:1006'

I just got the same error trying to update 5.2.2 (py3) to 5.2.3 from Plone Site Setup. To workaround this, I did the upgrade from:

portal_setup > Upgrade > Products.CMFPlone:plone

The update was from 5209-5210.

The control panel is no longer showing the upgrade message.

Update: Just noticed that in the upgrades tab in portal_setup, plone.staticresources:default is still listed. If I click on the "Choose Profile" button, the page says p.staticresources: default is currently in version 10 and the filesystem version is at 12. The available upgrades show:

Update bundles (10-11)
Register pat-datetime-picker (1005-1006)

Update2: There was an upgrade bug introduced in plone.patternslib version 1.2.0. This was resolved by commit and in release 1.2.1