Is Plone nice for a FAQs?

Some friends and me are planning to create a French ((La)TeX) FAQ, with static pages.

Some of my friends are inclined to use Jekyll but I'm a bit reluctant since, out of the box, it doesn't offer any search engine (okay there exists sort of addons).

My friends could be reluctant for Plone as they could see it as very heavy compared to a static site generator like Jekyll.

I wonder if Plone could be:

  • nice for a FAQ?
  • made as light as possible?

Plone is a fat CMS that can certainly be used for FAQs but unlikely the right choice for a FAQ solution only. Consider using Sphinx.

If you just want an FAQ list something lightweight might be a better fit. I agree with Andreas here.

Though, if you are determined to use Plone and create an FAQ list, there is an add-on available: