Is it possible to override values?

Hi there

I try to rebuild a Plone version 3-Site. using buildout.
After totally circumventing bin/buildout and calling zc.buildout directly, I am "nearly" there, I hope.
I now get some errors like:

Installing instance.
Version and requirements information containing products.archetypes:
[versions] constraint on products.archetypes: 1.5.13
Requirement of Products.PloneFormGen: Products.Archetypes>=1.7.14
Requirement of Products.LinguaPlone: Products.Archetypes
Requirement of Plone==3.3.2: Products.Archetypes
Requirement of Products.Archetypes
Requirement of plone.contentratings: Products.Archetypes
Installing instance.
Error: The requirement ('Products.Archetypes>=1.7.14') is not allowed by your [versions] constraint (1.5.13)

in the values I get from plones versions.cfg
iI would like to adapt the following values::

setuptools = 0.6c11
Products.ATContentTypes = 1.3.4

The setuptools-value I would like to ignore or have it set to a more actual version.

In the case ATContenttypes I would like to edit the buildout.cfg with older modules that are happy with the ATContentTypes V3.3 uses.

I tried to do something like this:
eggs =
Products.PloneFormGen = 1.66

But this fails.

I would be thankful for your help.


But this fails.

I would be thankful for your help.


You can override version pins defined in versions.cfg. The versions there are known to work in normal situations but other versions may work as well and may be necessary in special situations. It is up to you to find out which versions are acceptable in your specific case.

Thanks Dieter
and how / where do I do that?
Everything the files are collected automatically and I do not know how/where to override the version.

With Plone, you typically use buildout to set up the environment. The process is guided by a hierarchy of buildout configuration files; the typical root of this hierarchy is buildout.cfg, lower hierarchy levels are specified via extends definitions. When you read the zc.buildout documentation (--> PyPI), you find out that a higher lewel configuration file can override/extend definitions from lower levels.

buildout configuration files are structured into sections; each section is a set of definitions. Plone's buildout configuration defines that version pins come from the section versions. The pin itself has the form package=version. Thus, one possibility to have alternate package versions looks like:

  • make a section versions in your top level buildout configuration file (if there is not yet such a section)
  • put in version pins as required by your application