Introduction for GSOC'17

Hi i am Sameer Malik a Electronics and Communication undergraduate currently studying at IIIT Delhi. I will be applying for Gsoc under Plone. It would be a great experience working for your organisation.

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@sam25malik, thanks so much for your interest in participating in the summer of code with Plone. We’re very happy to help you.

Student applications open on the 20th of March. Before then, there are a few things you can do to get started preparing for your application.

Your first step should be to download and install Plone and set up a basic website so you can learn how it works:

You can read about the various ideas we have for GSoC projects in our website:

A terrific first step to learning more about Plone will be to select one of the issues marked for beginners in our issue tracker in github. Working on fixing something small, or writing some documentation, is a great way to get started understanding how Plone works underneath:

You can learn how to contribute to Plone in our documentation.

I hope these links will help you to get started. Please feel free to ask any further questions you have in the community forum linked above. We are a friendly group :slight_smile:

I have downloaded Plone and looked for projects on the link. Looking forward for selecting a good project and applying.