Install Problem with PLONE4

Maybe it is possible to install (or make) a docker image or similar that runs Plone 4 and python2 ? (even one for plone 3 and python2.5 would be useful, I guess)

docker uses the system kernel. If the container needs an older OS version than the host OS, this can (and probably will) cause problems.

For the requested use case a virtual machine is the best option.

With vagrant you can get Plone-4.3.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS installed and running in 5 Min. E.g. as follows:

create "Vagrantfile"

cat <<'EOF' | tee Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu/xenial64" # ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  config.vm.box_check_update = false
  if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest")
    config.vbguest.auto_update = false
  end :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8080 :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 80

create ""

cat <<'EOF' | tee
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libjpeg-dev libjpeg-dev libreadline-dev \
    libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libxslt1-dev poppler-utils \
    python-dev wv zlib1g-dev vim-nox
cd ~
wget -O ~/Plone-4.3.4-r1-UnifiedInstaller.tgz \
cd ~
tar xzf Plone-4.3.4-r1-UnifiedInstaller.tgz
cd ~/Plone-4.3.4-UnifiedInstaller
sudo ./ --target=/home/Plone-4.3.4 --instance=zeocluster --clients=2 \
    --daemon-user=plone_daemon --owner=plone_buildout --group=plone_group \
    --build-python --password=admin --libjpeg=yes zeo
sudo -u plone_buildout /home/Plone-4.3.4/zeocluster/bin/buildout \
    -c /home/Plone-4.3.4/zeocluster/buildout.cfg

create, configure and start guest machine

vagrant up

install Plone

vagrant ssh -c ". /vagrant/"

run plone

vagrant ssh -c "sudo /home/Plone-4.3.4/zeocluster/bin/zeoserver start"
vagrant ssh -c "sudo /home/Plone-4.3.4/zeocluster/bin/client1 fg"

Personally, I have no problem running Plone 4 (or 5) on Ubuntu 16 (which i have on a server), but on my 'local developmen server which runs 20..4, python2.7 might be a problem.

Plone-4.3.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is only one possible solution for the requested use case.

Feel free to use whatever combination that serve your needs.

I eventually could install PLONE 4 on my Ubuntu PC and also under Windows10, But When I tried to move the content from our PLONE4 Production Site I Got Error messages and it did not work. The method with Zope Exort and Import (zexp file) did not work als well as copying Data.fs and Blobstorage. The Subversion of our Production Site is Plone while the Ubuntu and Windows Installations are Plone 4.3.1. I Tried to find a Plone distribution but could not find it. Any hints?

You're saying that your source and target system are almost identical (4.3.1 vs. 4.3.4)?
Then copying Data.fs and blob storage are supposed to work (you may need to run upgrade steps on the target system). At least you should be able to log into the Zope ZMI root, access the Plone's ZMI etc.
ZEXP export/import is not needed in such a case (which is basically not a migration but a server move between identical server setups - at least this is what you say).

If this does not work, it is usually either

a) Both systems do not have the same add-ons (so add them to buildout.cfg and run bin/buildout


b) there is already something wrong 'with the database'. You can test this one of these 'ways'.

  1. In ZMI (/manage_main) duplicate the Plone site. If you get an error, you probably have to deal with that before exporting ZEXP
  2. Download the ZEXP, rename your Plone, import the exported ZEXP. If you get an error, same as before

PS: Take backup first and 'rename your Plone site 'back' after trying #2

Are you sure of the version (Plone

AFAICS there is no Plone But there is a Products.CMFPlone used in Plone 4.3.4.

$ sed '90q;d' <(curl -s
Products.CMFPlone                     =

It Looks, indeed, like missing some add-ons that the original PLONE4 Site has installed. I just get errors, when running buildout with the same eggs as th original instance (Like: "Installing instance.
Download error on hostname '' doesn't match '' -- Some packages may not be found!...")

btw: What would happen, when I run a copy of the instance files in the file systemof the original plone4 site and then run an buildout on the copy (Of course witha another addr) and start that instance. would it interfere witgh the original instance? (e.g. cp -r /home/users/ploneuser/plone1 /home/users/ploneuser/plone2).

A diff of the buildout cfg-files (your production buildouts vs. the original plone ones) might help.

And a directory diff of the buildout-cache-eggs.