Ideas for Google Summer Of Code 2017

As someone who has benefited in numerous ways for over 15 years from the generosity of this community, and as a former Plone GSoC participant, I am willing to mentor this year.

Here are some topic ideas:

  1. JavaScript: form widgets and pattern improvements, in particular:
  • Data grid field replacement using patternslib, and possibly quite a bit of JavaScript to support doing a grid nicely without ugly cloning of first row (e.g. do the form rendering of the row in JS, support JS-digested supermodel XML for schema).

  • Taxonomy picker, tree based widget and ability to support some feature subset mimicking Products.ATVocabularyManager.

  • New harmonized date and date time widget, possibly using patternslib pattern as base instead of PickADate (via mockup); support keyboard navigability, and better cross-browser styling.

  1. TTW configuration tool for TinyMCE settings that would save multiple configurations for different named editing contexts.

  2. Generalized 2FA for Plone/PAS; take something like collective.googleauthenticator as an example, and try to write something pluggable that can support SMS verification code, Google Authenticator, Duo (at least as OTP, possibly supporting push).

  3. Improved navigation:

  • Global navigation configuration on context, allow for static global (top) navigation configured by content admins, not themers. E.g. suppose I am the content admin for a big site with a diverse user base; my site wants to limit the top navigation to the 3 most important of 12 folders in the navroot, while still showing all 12 in the left navigation. Moreover, I want 2 external links that open in new tab/window. One of my links needs an icon, so I need to be able to add this without asking a programmer or designer to edit the theme.

  • Portlet for most frequently visited items, using local storage to avoid unneeded storage in read transactions.

  1. Edit/add forms: save form POST content locally before submit, allow retry of failed save (edit: or even multiple offline saves when lack of successful connection is not a failure condition).


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