How to order the fields in volto

In the classicUI there is the possiblity to use order_before/order_after within behaviors to adjust the ordering dynamically. Is there an equivalent in volto?

    # order_after(organisation_entities="fieldsofstudy.taxonomy_fieldsofstudy")
    organisation_entities = Tuple(
        title=_("label_organisation_entities", default="Organisation entities"),
        description=_("help_organisation_entities", default=""),

Both of these directives work in ClassicUI but not in Volto.

This is surprising. The reordering in Classic UI is done by the AutoFields mixin in plone.autoform: plone.autoform/plone/autoform/ at master · plone/plone.autoform · GitHub

Volto gets the schema from the plone.restapi types service, which also uses a form that extends AutoFields to get the schema fields. So, I would expect the reordering to work the same in both systems.

It will probably take some debugging to figure out exactly where and why it's not workign.

Ok. Well I just had a short look at the requests sent for the form. Already in http://localhost:3000/++api++/de/@types/Document the ordering is wrong.

I noticed in plone.restapi is already an issue regarding this problem. See autoform directives.order not working anymore · Issue #1230 · plone/plone.restapi · GitHub