Help with 'page'

I want the date of publication and the author name to come along somewhere in a post. the post is a'page'. what is the easiest way to do this.
the details come in the collection but not in the page as given below

in the /@@site-controlpanel there is a setting for the date
and there is also a setting in: @@security-controlpanel

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One way to do this is via the rapido plugin. It might seem a little bit complicated but it is a very flexible tool that would give you lots of control over the inserting these kinds of additional data into any page you want.
It is only plone 5 compatible.

It you are using plone 4 then I would recommend collective.listingviews for a similar purpose.

Once either of these plugins are installed you don't need to install any other custom code. the rest can be configured in the site backend.

thanks @djay and @espenmn

@djay i am already on plone 5.0.2, while rapido is restricted to plone 5.0 ??. However, i liked the idea. ideal for non-programmers like me. something you have been arguing in the community for a long time.

@sudhan77 What makes you think rapido is restricted to 5.0? perhaps the docs need fixing. generally nothiing should be made incompatible in a .0.2 release. Rapido works fine in 5.0.2.

Rapido does normally require a little programming but much less than is required to understand browserviews and packages and buildout. It is designed to be simple to understand. Eric is working hard to improve the documentation to make it every more clear. I recently built a whole game with it so I can I can say its also very powerful :slight_smile:

Trust Eric. I have been using plomino since 2013-14 with a lot of help from Eric.
I got stuck while trying to install. do I need to do version pin on diazo?

I am not a technically accomplished. However, I could volunteer for any help needed for Rapido or plomino
