Google Summer of Code 2020 idea brainstorm

Hello folks,

It's once again that time of year where we suggest ideas for students for the Google Summer of Code. It is also time for you to step forward and volunteer to mentor a Summer of Code student.

This should be the brainstorm location, once we flesh out more concrete ideas they will be transferred to the Ideas page. For some inspiration, you can look at the 2019 idea page

Remember, Ideas can be about Plone, Guillotina, Zope, Volto, and add-ons to those.

The main requirements are:

  • the idea should be concrete, with some clear goals
  • achievable within the allocated timespace (a student gets just under 3 months to work on it)
  • and it needs mentors to implement.

That doesn't mean you cannot suggest an idea if you can't mentor, but only ideas that will attract mentors will be viable.

For mentors, you need not feel that you have to be an expert in the code in order to provide mentorship. Mentors are there also to help students find the right questions to ask, where to ask them, and whom to ask them of. If you feel comfortable talking with other community members and making introductions, mentoring is for you!

So, consider this thread your brainstorm location, and let those brains start storming!


I'd love to be a mentor for Volto along with @tisto and @sneridagh. Currently looking into what could be the ideas for this year.

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Migration of existing Plone site from Python 2 to Python 3 infrastructure is going to be a survive or vanish issue for Plone in the next few months. Our community should devote sufficient efforts to succeed.

Is there something specific you have in mind? Let's also recognize the enormous effort that has already been made, not just in training but reusable code and presentations on best practices for doing these upgrades

PLIPs based on CastleCMS functionality that have already been approved but need implementation: