Framework team meeting minutes - 2015-12-15


Jens Klein
Eric Brehault
Eric Steele
Johannes Raggam
Ramon Navarro Bosch


##JS/CSS Strategic Sprint
Did not ask until now, want to wait for decision on next topic.

Ask Gogo if ArtSprint could be used for that. (Jens)
Ask Philip Bauer to propose this as Strategic sprint at the Plone Board. (Johannes)

##Alpine City Strategic Sprint
Jens Klein and Christine Baumgartner are organizing the Alpine City Sprint. The topic is modernization of our framework components, Zope 2, legacy components cleanup and so forth. No other. So this won’t be the JavaScript Sprint. In my opinion, modernizing the underlying framework this is one of our mid-term strategic goals. Therefore I (Johannes) want to propose, that this sprint should be a strategic sprint. I think the sprint can gain a lot, if key persons can be actively invited, together with some travel compensation.

If we decide positively on this, I’d ask Philip Bauer for two strategic sprints - a Resource Registry/JavaScript one and for the Alpine City Sprint.

FWT decided it’s a strategic sprint
Ask Philip Bauer to propose this as Strategic sprint at the Plone Board. (Johannes)

##Invitation to PLIP submission
Done. Together with a lot of plone/documentation and buildout.coredev/docs cleanup and update.

#Next meeting

Next FWT meeting is in 4 weeks (2016-01-12).