Embedding / exporting PowerPoint presentations to Plone web site

What are my options to embed private PowerPoint presentations on Plone site

Presentations would be behind Plone log-in

Integrate some sort of presentation viewer which can input PPT presentations

Preferably have own content type for the presentations where one could include necessary Javascript and other components needed to integrate the viewer

Presentations would be viewable directly in a browser (Flash, Javascript, IFRAME, qlikview tool any solution accetable as long as it is cross-platform)

File converter (thru PDF?) or external service (slideshare) can be used, as long as data stays private

In the worst case is to have MS Office scripting which exports presentations as PNGs, but still one would need the viewer library.


You could also use some external services, like issuue.
(I made an add on that supports that, but since issuue api is not free anymore, it is kind of discontinued (if you already have a issue login it might work with 'free version').

If the PowerPoint documents are fairly simple, you might be able to use "LibreOffice" (via "pyuno") to convert them to PDF.

Export your files to PDF which is supported by any application.


is the best tool for converting PDF to exact and searchable HTML.

...and perhaps forget about the other tinkered workflows.