Edit Popover/modal for one field?

Is there a "normal" way to create an edit form for one field only?
I want to have a view like in the image below with a button to edit one field only.


  1. protect all other fields with permissions
  2. load as z3c.form and drop all but the field/ proxy save with different role.
  3. use YAFOWIL/ custom form.

Anything better/easier?

Had a similar usecase in the past. We used a custom edit form with a marker interface, and in the schema a configuration like this:

directives.no_omit(IAddForm, "product_group")
directives.no_omit(IAdminEditForm, "product_group")
product_group = schema.Choice(
        u"Please select the product group. "
        u"Note that this selection can't be changed later."
    title=_(u"Product Group"),

If you want to show the fields, but not being able to edit them in the regular edit form (here we have a special admin edit form where admins with special permissions can edit the fields):

directives.mode(IAddForm, product_group="input")
directives.mode(IAdminEditForm, product_group="input")
product_group = schema.Choice(
        u"Please select the product group. "
        u"Note that this selection can't be changed later."
    title=_(u"Product Group"),

The custom admin edit form is derived from the default edit form:

class IAdminEditForm(IEditForm):
    """Custom edit form for admins."""

class AdminEditForm(DefaultEditForm):
    """Custom edit form for admins."""

    def update(self):
        super(AdminEditForm, self).update()
        if (
            len(self.actions.executedActions) == 0
            or self.status == self.formErrorsMessage
            msg = _(u"You are currently editing this item in admin mode. Be careful!")
            api.portal.show_message(message=msg, request=self.request, type="warning")
  <!-- Custom edit form for admins. -->
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Maybe you dont need an edit form at all?
What about showing this 'bearbiten' button just for users with the right permissions (which you get from view/check_permissions" and then load a popup (form) that saves to the field (I think you can do this with one line of 'plone.api.content).

@pbauer created https://pypi.org/project/collective.fieldedit/. I have not tried it though. But it seems similar to what you need.


Yes I use collective.fieldedit for this use-case. It works in Plone 5.2 and Python 3 as well.
I'll fix the tests that fail in 5.2/py3 and make a release that officially supports these versions.


Looks very interesting.

For some user cases, it could be useful if it was possible to make a 'Live Edit' (action) that enabled this on 'certain fields' (the fields the user has permissions on, probably)