Documentation issue - setting up a test environment for generated product addon

Ok, i have a clean testrun now on a bobtemplates generated dexterity product addon under unified installed plone 5.0.7 ! YES !!

[root@webserver zeocluster]# bin/test
Running tests at level 1
Running collective.shoparticle.testing.CollectiveShoparticleLayer:IntegrationTesting tests:
Set up plone.testing.zca.LayerCleanup in 0.001 seconds.
Set up plone.testing.z2.Startup in 0.279 seconds.
Set up not install product Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow
in 17.937 seconds.
Set up in 0.386 seconds.
Set up in 0.731 seconds.
Set up collective.shoparticle.testing.CollectiveShoparticleLayer in 1.866 seconds.
Set up collective.shoparticle.testing.CollectiveShoparticleLayer:IntegrationTesting in 0.000 seconds.
test_browserlayer (collective.shoparticle.tests.test_setup.TestSetup) (0.000 s)
test_product_installed (collective.shoparticle.tests.test_setup.TestSetup) (0.000 s)
test_browserlayer_removed (collective.shoparticle.tests.test_setup.TestUninstall) (0.269 s)
test_product_uninstalled (collective.shoparticle.tests.test_setup.TestUninstall) (0.168 s)
test_adding (collective.shoparticle.tests.test_shoparticle.ShopArticleIntegrationTest) (0.084 s)
test_factory (collective.shoparticle.tests.test_shoparticle.ShopArticleIntegrationTest) (0.003 s)
test_fti (collective.shoparticle.tests.test_shoparticle.ShopArticleIntegrationTest) (0.003 s)
test_schema (collective.shoparticle.tests.test_shoparticle.ShopArticleIntegrationTest) (0.003 s)
Ran 8 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.590 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
Tear down collective.shoparticle.testing.CollectiveShoparticleLayer:IntegrationTesting in 0.000 seconds.
Tear down collective.shoparticle.testing.CollectiveShoparticleLayer in 0.004 seconds.
Tear down in 0.149 seconds.
Tear down in 0.007 seconds.
Tear down in 0.074 seconds.
Tear down plone.testing.z2.Startup in 0.006 seconds.
Tear down plone.testing.zca.LayerCleanup in 0.001 seconds.
[root@webserver zeocluster]

Now my question: is it important to file a bug report/issue (for this configuration based on the current stable Plone5 version and its docs/bobtemplates), or better create a buildout from the current development tree and see if the error persists?

I have not enough experience with all this. But in my eyes a current stable should work as exepected, regarding the docs and generated bobtemplates code/tests.

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