Documentation issue - Create a Plone 5 theme product (addon)

@tdkuehnel: The important part of the traceback you are seeing above is the last line: RequirementParseError: Invalid requirement, parse error at "'/ploneth". This error is telling you that buildout thinks that you've asked it to install a new egg (and you have), but that the "requirement" (which really means the name of the egg, possibly combined with a version pin) is invalid.

Buildout believes that the string "'/ploneth" is all or part of an egg you've asked it to install. My guess is that there is something wrong with the way in which you added the name of your new theme package to the eggs list in the buildout.cfg file. I guess this because that's what you've changed recently, and also because generated theme packages usually start with the namespace "plonetheme".

Egg "requirements" should look like this:


Notice that there are no path separators in this line of text, nor are there any quotation marks. This line should be only the name of the package you are trying to add to your buildout (the name of your new theme package).

Find the place where you've added "/ploneth" in your buildout.cfg file and fix it. This error will go away.

@cewing thank you so much for the insight, it worked !

So this whole topic can be broken down to install mr.bob and its templates into the unified installed plone by entries in the main buildout.cfg. Then running a bin/buildout and using mrbob to create the themes folder. Then adding this with two simple entries into the same buildout.cfg and you are ready to go !

Maybe we can add an additional info entry in the mentioned Plone 5 documentation ?

EDIT: Now as i can "see" my mr.bob generated empty theme in the browser interface, when i click "inspect", i get

Warnung Dies ist das Standarddesign (es kann nicht verändert werden)

Maybe the generated theme addon uses some strings or filenames where the configuration screen makes its decision on if this theme is editable or not. Hard for me as a beginner to find that out ...
btw, which is the preferred way to report theme related bugs/issues ? Issues · plone/Products.CMFPlone · GitHub ? I have several typos found in the german translation, too, i would like to contribute.

@tdkuehnel, I'm glad it worked for you. I would agree that some improvement to the documentation is in order. Perhaps you and @svx can work on that together.

As for reporting issues, yes, the issue tracker in github for Products.CMFPlone is the right place. If the issue does not belong there, a community member will help move it to the right place.


Just a quick note, scanning through the discussion I didn't see this mentioned. With the unified installer... you get most development stuff, including mr.bob when you run:

bin/buildout -c develop.cfg

My understanding is that the default buildout from the unified installer is more targeted towards production than to development. See for details.

... so, will someone take a crack at filing the documentation issues? Seems that a lot got resolved here and it would be worth helping the next persons avoid having to go through this.

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With a little helping hand i might be able to do that - so i sum all the things up in a few sentences, refer to this post and file it at the mentioned tracker, is this the way to go ?

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Yes, recalling only sketchily the full discussion above, the issue could be filed in or or

Ok, thank you, i filed an issue at .
Btw, i feel quite comfortable with the user interface of this community site, it motivated me to keep on going through all this stuff and sharing it so that others could benefit. Nice work, and nice people ! Thank you very much !

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