Contributing to Plone

I am Adithya, a possible GSOC intern :slight_smile:
I have installed Plone, explored it a bit, read the required docs, The next step is contribution.
I am following this link for learning how to contribute.
Please provide me the answers to the questions mentioned below.:

  1. Can I not contribute without the contributer agreement.
  2. How to contribute once I get the contributer agreement, (I have put a request for the contributer agreement on gitter)
  3. Should I just clone the repo, work on the issue, and create a pull request?
    For the first timers, such as myself Please visit this link to learn how the work-flow for contribution's work, Hope this helps. Thank You.
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Hey @adithya First of all Welcome to plone , You need to sign and send contributer agreement to for getting your PR's accepted into plone core. While you can surely contribute to collective as of now. For the rest please follow the steps mentioned in Information for Interested GSoC Students.

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Thank You for the reply!