Connect RobotFramework tests to a Sentry server

We use Robotframework tests in our CI testing pipline, for integration tests we have nice tracebacks in our CI server output. Unfortunately robot tests don't show this tracebacks.

Our idea was to connect a sentry server to the CI server. Does this makes sense?

To get this working we need to inject the sentry DSN into zope configuration:

event-log-custom =
%import raven.contrib.zope
  path ${buildout:logdir}/${:_buildout_section_name_}.log
  level INFO
  string_max_length 100000
  list_max_length 500
  level ERROR

I found some configuration for test in zope, but cant figure out how to get the config injected:

See collective.beaker for an example of a product that gets custom configuration from a product-config section in zope.conf

collective.fingerpointing also does that:

Thanks for the answers. I will report back!