(Discourse) Upgraded (Discourse) Upgraded

Looks like posting by email is working again and some of these are now flooding in, although some of these will be very old so we might delete them.

We are now on discourse 1.5.0 beta2 and are using the new docker install process so upgrading should be easier in the future.


This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

I have removed all new topics that appeared with an email title. Example: Re: [Plone Community] [Using Plone/Add-on Development] ... These didn't get attached to the post they replied to and might be old or duplicates as they might have been posted again by the original poster.

Thanks for keeping it up and running!

This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.