Collective.listingviews: item fields and listing fields empty in listing views control panel

I'm trying to track down the source of this bug. On a brand new Plone 4.3.6 site with only collective.listingviews as an add-on in the buildout.

After installing collective.listingviews to my Plone site when I navigate to the listing views controlpanel I see this:

I tried on a new Plone 4.3.5 site and got the same issue.

If I use a Plone 4.2.6 based buildout, the control panel works as expected.

If I upgrade my Plone 4.2.6 buildout to Plone 4.3.6 I get the same issue again.

It seems that this is related to a bug in z3c.form.
The solution is to pin the version of z3c.form to 3.2.1
Then Plone 4.3.6 behaves as expected.

The bug (and fix) is documented here: