Collective.easyform Date and Datetime fields do not work for anonymous

by changing the condition of the bundle plone-logged-in in /@@resourceregistry-controlpanel to python: member is not None

Is not working... anyone have solution for this?

I have created an add'on that should include the date picker pattern and also inline validation to public views.

It is a first attempt that seems to work for me locally in a plain Plone 5.2.4 coredev plone site. I first tried to get the add'on working in a customer project, but I ran into strange issues of missing resources in the compiling bundle stage. creating the bundle again with plone-compile-resources in a coredev plone 5.2 checkout worked fine.

I've tried to reduce the bundle size by adding js stubs, but the pickadate pattern pulls in select2. Maybe it doesn't add more js if I also add pat-select2 to collective.anonymouseditpatterns.

There is an 1.0a1 release on pypi.


Thanks alot