Chat & forum & Q&A services we use

Go go go!

You have no idea what plethora of messenger applications are open here... :crazy_face:

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Here is the link to the sprints discord -
I've now renamed it and restructured the sprint stuff just in case stuff other than sprints wants to go there.

There is also the option to make it a community server which I think means you don't have to use these invite links?
But it does mean users have to have a verified email before they can send messages.

It's easier to access, right? Further, I think having real users with verified emails in our discord is not that bad.

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I don't understand the traction towards discord. It's not open source and it has a horrible UX.

For the same level of openess and for good sound and video quality but a much better UX we could also use Skype. Which we don't because Microsoft and closed source.

Why don't we just use Mattermost (almost the same as Slack) and for Video Jitsi? In different work environments, this works perfectly.

Other communities are using Matrix/Element which seems to offer a all-in-one solution and is under heavy development. However, the UX is not the most user friendly one, still.

... but that's just my 2cent, and I don't have more to offer than an opinion.
If Discord is the thing and already used, let's use it.

I like the fact that everything on Discourse is indexed by search engines. This means that I can easily google answers to old questions. I like Discord but I want a way to find old and useful information using search engines.
My feeling is... Discord for chat, Discourse for Q&A.

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Yes, I think this was the idea anyway.

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My personal feeling is that I am on Slack for so many work and volunteer groups already, I would rather just stick with Slack, also because Plone already has a Slack which we have used for the LoudSwarm virtual conference and for many teams.

But in the interest of attracting users of and contributors to Plone who are not as amenable to Slack (for whatever reason), I see the wisdom in replacing Gitter with Discord.

I still see the majority of focused discussion continuing here in the Discourse forum.

Just to note, meanwhile I've become a fan of discord. It contains everything we need within one platform: persistent chat, direct chat, voice and video chat and screen sharing. Quite cool.
Also, people are getting together again!