Broken links in

I look forward to this. Communicating the direction for docs in concrete terms and in writing is a good step to spread the workload. It helps all of us understand what needs to be done and how we can all contribute. Project definition is a huge task, and I appreciate that you're taking the time to do this.

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as stated in, yes you can contribute without signing the Contributor Agreement, but then you have to include with every pull request you make an explicit statement that you agree your contribution can be published under Creative Commons 4.0. A bit annoying, but hey lawyers have to eat too :wink:

There's a legal grey area where spelling corrections and the like are always OK without signing anything or making an explicit statement, because they do not constitute a "work", and therefore are not under copyright. The problem is, the definition of what is enough to qualify as as a "work" varies from country to country, and is up for legal challenge. So better play it safe.

(note that this is the same for code, by the way. Correcting a bug in code can be seen as not a work, but where's the limit? What is substantial, what is not? You cannot base this on length alone or other technical measures; the shortest poem in the world consists of one character...)

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FYI, I am really sorry, but I will relay it for one week.
I am more or less offline for the next 8 days and I really enjoy and need that.

Thanks !

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Chat (Online Chat) is really intended for chatter. Questions that are involved or require posting of detailed context of buildouts and error stack traces (Support) need to be posted in the forum, where people can reply over time in a threaded/contained way that chat services simply do not provide.

It's maybe a fine line, but if you are proposing changes to documentation, then starting the discussion in the forum is probably good, and once you've gotten a sense for how best to approach making the change, you need to file an issue in the GitHub - plone/documentation: Plone Documentation repo and then maybe post the link to the issue as a follow up in your forum thread. Then you can make the change in your branch of the documentation repo, then start a pull request (and if it's a work in progress, label it as such by prepending "WIP:" to the title of the pull request).

Communally, yes. Whether an individual sees or reads a particular post will depend on a lot.

Why do we have and, both with different texts? Wouldn't be the case to keep just one? @tkimnguyen

Good point! But I don't manage the docs :slight_smile: Would be great if you made a pull request to make the one point to the other, maybe is less complete than

That's why I asked, which one is going to be the canonical? :smile:

And how exactly do I make one point to another in a PR? should be removed, that is the first old version.

Maybe look at some other links in that repo to see how?

Sorry, I misunderstood your answer. I was thinking about some kind of "symbolic link" or apache redirect, not a page linking to another. That's why I asked.

It's possible there's a way to do that, but I haven't looked.

Working on the first draft now. There are lost of moving parts, so yeah.

This is fixed in: