Bookmarking in Plone

I seem to recall having the ability for Plone members to bookmark content in a Plone portal. Is this a feature that got lost over time or am I imagining this? Maybe it was an add-on...

Hi David,

In older (< Plone 3?) I think they were called favorites but got removed. Maybe collective.favorites is a re-implementation of it for higher Plone versions, but the latest release is from half a year before Plone 5 release, so that might need some work.

Hi, there is also collective.portlet.mybookmarks.

We are working on a Plone 5 version here (not yet released and finished, but it works)

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Thanks @fredvd and @cekk this is useful information.
Both collective.favorites and collective.portlet.mybookmarks look like what I'm looking for.