Barcelona Sprint 2016

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Hi everybody,

Spring is comming and the nice weather in Barcelona is willing to host a nice Sprint so we decided at Iskra to do it! From 14 to 20 of May there is going to be a only focus on REST API and its complementary needs ( backend, frontend and the API itself ). We want to spend a week working on having the first version of plone.restapi and its needs, a proposal for a frontend, ... Its going to be hosted on Iskra/Intranetum Offices at Barcelona!

We made sure that people involved on REST API ecosystem during the last months can attend so we can be really productive and be able to release something by the end of the week. We are also going to prework before the sprint to prepare the goals and the background.

If anybody feels that can contribute and help there is still 3 seats available, just ping me !

We also asked to Plone Board to consider this sprint as strategic as it was defined on the Bristol Conference the main action for Plone during 2016!


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+1 Looking forward to the sprint!