Another Plone marketing thread

yes I think this some of our most unique features.
WagTail talks about it's streamfields all the time. I saw a demo of it the other day. It's a really simplistic thing, and not as flexible as our ability to rewrite an objects schema. Yet they get a lot of marketing value by saying how great it is.

The ability to write python TTW also very unique (although still buried in later versions on plone).

But TTW as a marketing term has held us back. It hasn't stuck outside of the community.

What I'm hoping is that @datakurre idea of TTW addons ( is a way to combine the above ideas together into a single concept thats easy to grasp. The idea you can customise plone online with no coding experience, bundle it and distribute it in a secure manner, and then allow others to use your customisations instantly from some kind of app store. So from an AMI or shared plone hoster, or some one click ansible install you no longer have to worry about deployment.

Question is, what to call this that captures the essence of this, so outside people can see it as unique and useful?