Again, bad out-of-the-box experience with Plone 5

Other example:

  • the dysfunctional AJAX select widget stuff (see Module plone.formwidget.autocomplete.widget, line 63, in __call__ AttributeError: 'SimpleVocabulary' object has no attribute 'search'). Costs for the customer: 3 person days with zero outcome, follow up costs: 3-4 person days for reimplementation of such a widget by Mike Derstappen) -> lack of quality (control) -> high customer customs, high project costs

  • XML-Director: it took many approaches, rewrites, complaints to get the integration of some JS add-ons working because of the resource registry mess -> lack of vision and conception -> integrator costs - in this case this is my personal project, I can deal with it.

AGAIN many of you have lost the perception on Plone from outside. More than 15 months after the first official Plone 5.0 release and almost 3 years after the first Plone 5 alpha release the state of Plone 5 is sad.

AGAIN companies running Plone or developing with Plone internally are looking for alternatives or least options to outsource the Plone stuff since they can no longer handle the complexity and want to deal with issues (with Plone 5 in particular).
