Adding collective.deletepermission to Plone 4.3.17

Hi Peter,

thanks for the idea, but I use a "default" Plone installation, meaning I did not change any default parameters. The mentioned parameter displays:

allow-hosts= *

in our Plone 4.3/py2.7 buildouts we use the following versions in requirements.txt:


and the corresponding versions.cfg:

setuptools = 40.9.0
zc.buildout = 2.13.1

make sure you first install the mandatory buildout packages with <path-to-your-virtualenv-bin>/pip install -r requirements.txt and then <path-to-your-virtualenv-bin>/buildout ...

The message from your post above "hostname '' rdoes not match ''" sounds strange to me ...

I replaced hastags with another notation /* ... */, as hashtags seem to trigger some kind of markup in
the forum.

If you paste code or shell output use three backticks ``` newline, your code lines, newline three backticks ``` Looks like so:

# hello world
if foo:
    then bar

I can confirm this. I just downloaded the last 4.3-installer and I get the same error

UPDATE: Looks like a (manual) virtualenv is required ( virtualenv -p python2.7 instance ) (?)

AND Peter's pins

setuptools = 40.9.0
zc.buildout = 2.13.1