Add files to /Members with a user with no administrative rights

Hi everybody

I created a user and I gave him specific authorization on a folder using the @@sharing panel.
Now he can add/delete files in the folder.

I did the same with the /Members folder but Plone didn’t show the edit bar for the user, so he wasn't able to add any content.

The user had no administrative rights.

I tried to follow the instructions given in but they didn’t work. I deleted the index_html file in /Members/manage but the edit bar still didn’t appear.

Can you help me.

I have Plone 4.3

Best regards

The members folder is not a 'normal folder'.

If you want the members to have their own folder, try the settings in the security control panel

Thank you for your reply.

I explained badly.

Every member has his own folder.

I'd like to change the permission settings so that a user with no administrative rights could add a file in every member personal folder.

Every member has his own folder.

Where ?

I'd like to change the permission settings so that a user with no administrative rights could add a file in every member personal folder.

Do you mean 'every member can add files to his / her own folder'

... or

Every member can add files to all other members folders ?

I think this is what @Consu meant.

Consu: this seems like a really bad idea, but maybe an easy way is to set the sharing permissions on each member folder to give all logged in users "can add" role.

I'm sorry but I just can't give to every logged user the "can add" role.
I need that a single user should be able to add files to every other users folder (in the Members/username folder) even if he has no administrative rights.
Perhaps, simply, I can't do it.

I'm sure it can be done. You'd have to write maybe an upgrade step that iterates over all member folders and grants "can add" to all logged in users on each member folder. When you add a new member you would also need code to create that member's home folder and grant "can add" to all logged in users.

The reason for this is that the members folder is 'not a normal folder'.
If it was: you could use @@sharing as you normally can.

Maybe you could move the member folders ( or membrane maybe, ) ?