Active directory on plone 4.0.5

Hi, i need some advice how to use active directory as auth source on plone 4.0.5. Now i'm using ldap. Maybe some1 can help me with this?

First do some research yourself first. Plone and LDAP are widely covered. Regarding AD: look at Single-Sign-On & Current Plone affair?

Also update to Plone 4.3


@tomas the way you use active directory is via ldap normally. Is there something else you are not mentioning? Are you trying to use active directory federated services or something else?

this is what i use:
the problem is non of the listed password encryptions supported by the active directory.

and sso is to complicated...

Yes, it is complicated and you clearly need to know what you are doing and you need the related technical background. So what's the point and the problem here?


i'm migrating from ldap to ad, the main problem is pass encryption.

FTR: pas.plugins.ldap supports AD and Plone 4.3 (via LDAP - in fact, AD is LDAP plus convenience and conventions). Please do not use outdated Plone versions (for security reasons, Hotfixes are not guaranteed - even if often available).