About the Plone 6 UI (Volto) category

Volto is a user-friendly and robust React based frontend for Plone.

Post your hints and questions here in community.plone.org. This is the place where Plone and Volto community happens. In case you have an urgent need for a small detail, we are chatting on Volto topics (customizing Volto, testing, ...) on Gitter https://gitter.im/plone/volto. Join us!

Find a "get started" section and detailed documentation on https://docs.voltocms.com

@tkimnguyen can we edit the Volto category in Discourse? We would like to use this category more frequently in the future. Therefore it should have a better description.

Hi Timo - sure, send me what you’d like it to be!

T. Kim Nguyen - Chat @ Spike