Resolving GenericSetup circular dependencies

Every time I run some upgrade step I see the following in the console:

2017-12-15 15:14:18 WARNING GenericSetup There are unresolved or circular dependencies. Graphviz diagram:: digraph dependencies {"collective.portlet.calendar-upgrades" -> "plone_content"; "caching_policy_mgr" -> "toolset"; "typeinfo" -> "toolset"; "tinymce_settings" -> "componentregistry"; "transmogrifier" -> "toolset"; "archetypes-various" -> "componentregistry"; "redirectiontool_various" -> "actions"; "redirectiontool_various" -> "toolset"; "atcttool" -> "catalog"; "atcttool" -> "componentregistry"; "actions" -> "componentregistry"; "skins" -> "componentregistry"; "cssregistry" -> "skins"; "cssregistry" -> "toolset"; "cssregistry" -> "componentregistry"; "collective.z3cform.datetimewidget_various";"factorytool" -> "componentregistry"; "factorytool" -> "typeinfo"; "archetypetool" -> "archetypes-various"; "placeful_workflow" -> "typeinfo"; "placeful_workflow" -> "workflow"; "portal-transforms-various" -> "componentregistry"; "import-intid-util" -> "toolset"; "controlpanel" -> "actions"; "controlpanel" -> "componentregistry"; "placeful_marker" -> "workflow"; "action-icons" -> "componentregistry"; "componentregistry" -> "toolset"; "content" -> "typeinfo"; "";"mimetypes-registry-various" -> "componentregistry"; "sharing" -> "rolemap"; "" -> ""; "referenceablebehavior-various" -> "toolset"; "reference_catalog" -> "toolset"; "viewlets" -> "componentregistry"; "" -> "componentregistry"; "" -> "toolset"; "propertiestool" -> "componentregistry"; "various" -> "toolset"; "portlets" -> "componentregistry"; "portlets" -> "content"; "collective.nitf";"toolset";"plone-final" -> "portlets"; "plone-final" -> "rolemap"; "plone-final" -> "tinymce_settings"; "plone-final" -> "cssregistry"; "plone-final" -> "jsregistry"; "plone-final" -> "viewlets"; "plone-final" -> "controlpanel"; "plone-final" -> "propertiestool"; "plone-final" -> "workflow"; "pleonformgen" -> "toolset"; "pleonformgen" -> "propertiestool"; "pleonformgen" -> "typeinfo"; "";"ploneopenid-various";"update-workflow-rolemap" -> "workflow"; "";"collective.z3cform.datetimewidget";"uid_catalog" -> "toolset"; "workflow" -> "toolset"; "jquerytools-various" -> "cssregistry"; "collective.polls";"contentrules" -> "componentregistry"; "contentrules" -> "content"; "contentrules" -> "workflow"; "catalog" -> "toolset"; "Products.Doormat" -> "types"; "import-relations-utils" -> "toolset"; "cmfeditions_various" -> "toolset"; "cmfeditions_various" -> "typeinfo"; "difftool" -> "toolset"; "difftool" -> "componentregistry"; "plone-content" -> "plone-final"; "content_type_registry" -> "componentregistry"; "properties";"" -> "typeinfo"; "plonepas" -> "componentregistry"; "plonepas" -> "controlpanel"; "plonepas" -> "memberdata-properties"; "plonepas" -> "rolemap"; "cookie_authentication" -> "toolset"; "tinymce_various" -> "componentregistry"; "browserlayer" -> "componentregistry"; "plone-difftool";"languagetool" -> "toolset"; "plone_outputfilters_various" -> "componentregistry"; "memberdata-properties" -> "componentregistry"; "plonetheme.sunburst-various" -> "actions"; "";"collective.js.jqueryui" -> "cssregistry"; "collective.js.jqueryui" -> "jsregistry"; "collective.js.jqueryui" -> ""; "plone.restapi";"mailhost" -> "componentregistry"; "repositorytool" -> "toolset"; "repositorytool" -> "typeinfo"; "repositorytool" -> "cmfeditions_various"; "rolemap";"various-calendar" -> "toolset"; "jsregistry" -> "skins"; "jsregistry" -> "toolset"; "jsregistry" -> "componentregistry"; "intid-register-content" -> "catalog"; "intid-register-content" -> "import-intid-util"; "setup_site" -> "typeinfo"; "" -> "toolset"; "collective.portlet.calendar-upgrades" [color=red,style=filled]; "Products.Doormat" [color=red,style=filled]; }

how can I find the issue, @mauritsvanrees?

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For starters, you can look at the end of that long string, because there it will have one or more steps with color=red to indicate an error. In this case:

"collective.portlet.calendar-upgrades" [color=red,style=filled];
"Products.Doormat" [color=red,style=filled];

So those two will have circular (or maybe undefined) dependencies.

You can make it nicer by using the dot command to turn this Graphiz diagram into a picture. Take the part after Graphiz diagram:: and put it in a text file. So digraph dependencies {...}. Name the file for example input.txt. Then run this command:

dot -Tpng -O input.txt 

This will create a png format of the input and put it in input.txt.png. Look at that one:

When you zoom in, you can see all steps and their dependencies.
Two of them are red. The items they point at will be missing.

In this case, collective.portlet.calendar-upgrades depends on plone_content which is not there. I don't know that one from the top of my head.
Products.Doormat depends on types, which is a classical error: it should be typeinfo. It was fixed in this Products.Doormat commit.


Everything Maurits just said, but you can also paste the diagram into to render it.


Also this post contains useful infos on the topic:


wow! thank, guys, that was awesome!

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