Howto access self bundled jdatatables from within a mockup pattern


Have my own bundle including a mockup pattern and some JS and CSS resource files. One of them is jdatatables (current version). The JS and CSS resources are included into the bundle. But the jdatatables does not work when accessed from the mockup pattern code.

The bundle definition:
'jquery', // We use jquery to search the DOM for pattern declarations.
'pat-registry', // We have to register
'mockup-patterns-inqbus_mailcenter_listview', // Depend on the patterns, you want to support in this bundle.
], function($, Registry, inqbus_mailcenter_listview, Datatables, Jeditable, DatatablesEditable) {
'use strict';

  if (window.parent === window) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
      if (!Registry.initialized) {


The mockup code:

    ], function (Base, Registry, $, Datatables, DatatablesEditable) {
    'use strict';

    return Base.extend({
        name: 'inqbus_mailcenter_listview',
        trigger: '.pat-inqbus_mailcenter_listview',  // has to be exact like this: 'pat-' + patternname.
        parser: 'mockup',
        init: function () {
            /* data table config from the view */
            var datastore = $('#datastore'),
            /* Columns definition [JS Code so not qouted vie |safe]*/
                aoColumnsDT = JSON.parse(datastore.attr('aocolumnsdt')),
            /* URL to the AJAX view */
                sAJAXSourceDT = datastore.attr('sajaxsourcedt'),

            /* define the data table base parameters */
           var oTable = $('#browser-table').dataTable({
                "bPaginate": true,
                "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
                "bProcessing": true,
                "bServerSide": true,
                "sAjaxSource": sAJAXSourceDT,
                "aoColumns": aoColumnsDT,
                "fnInitComplete": register_dblclick_handler,
                "fnDrawCallback": register_dblclick_handler,
                "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
                "oTableTools": {
                    "sSwfPath": "++resource++jquery.datatables/extras/TableTools/media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
                    "sRowSelect": "multi",
                    "aButtons": ["select_all", "select_none"]
}); //End of init function.

The alert comes up with "Undefined" and the call to $('#browser-table').dataTable({ .. raises "dataTable is not a function".
I am aware that jdatatables interacts with registerJS. But obviously not in the way needed to use it from within a mockup pattern. This may be related to but is also slightly different since I do not use any script-Tags in the page header since utilizing a mockup paterrn.

Any pointers appreciated



Was a browser caching issue. The browser had cached an older version of the jdatatables lib and the TTW compilation has included this old one. Utilizing a freshly started chromium the jdatatables is now working without any code changes.

The code is running now. Had to wrap datatables.editable with a requiereJS wrapper but now all is running fine. But I get these warnings:
What is the meaning of these? And how to do it better?

patterns.Patternslib Base: This pattern without a name attribute will not be registered!
plone-compiled.js:1649 patterns.Patternslib Base: This pattern without a name attribute will not be registered!
plone-compiled.js:1649 patterns.Patternslib Base: This pattern without a name attribute will not be registered!
plone-compiled.js:1649 patterns.Patternslib Base: This pattern without a name attribute will not be registered!
plone-compiled.js:1649 patterns.Patternslib Base: This pattern without a name attribute will not be registered!
plone-compiled.js:1649 patterns.Patternslib Base: This pattern without a name attribute will not be registered!
plone-compiled.js:1649 patterns.Patternslib Base: This pattern without a name attribute will not be registered!
plone-compiled.js:3272 Usage of the mockup-patterns-base pattern is deprecated and it will eventually be removed.Instead, use pat-base and explicitly set parser to 'mockup' when calling extend.
plone-compiled.js:3272 Usage of the mockup-patterns-base pattern is deprecated and it will eventually be removed.Instead, use pat-base and explicitly set parser to 'mockup' when calling extend.
plone-compiled.js:3272 Usage of the mockup-patterns-base pattern is deprecated and it will eventually be removed.Instead, use pat-base and explicitly set parser to 'mockup' when calling extend.

Best regards,
