Add-on listing for

I signed the Plone Contributer agreement and have been added as a member in Plone github.
I have sent a google hangout request and shared a google doc with basic gsoc proposal template, to your gmail id.

I am trying to install the development version of ploneorg.addonlisting package.

  • I have installed a local plone 5 for development using the unified UNIX installer
  • In the Plone/zinstance directory, I edited the buildout.cfg and develop.cfg to add ploneorg.addonlisting under eggs,auto-checkout and [sources]. Following link has the content of builldout.cfg
  • Running bin/buildout from zinstance directory gives no error, but when I run bin/instance fg after that, I get the following error
    (requests module has already been installed using pip)
    Any solution?
    update: more discussion at Bin/instance fg gives error- 'ImportError: no module named requests'